🇷🇴 Companie Romaneasca
Despre noi
Cateva cuvinte despre compania Datacor sau echipa.
Datacor este o companie 100% românească, cu 18 ani de experiență pe piața de soluții inovatoare de comunicații, securitate și electrice.
Din 2002, operăm pe segmentele office, retail și industrial, și am dezvoltat parteneriate cu furnizori renumiți la nivel mondial, pentru a oferi cele mai eficiente și inovatoare soluții, pe următoarele linii de business:
Integrare: integrăm soluții inovatoare de comunicații, securitate și electrice;
Distribuție: distribuim produse telecom de la producători de top la nivel global, precum Corning, Vertiv, Honeywell, Datwyler, Conteg etc.;
Service: mentenanța sistemelor de curenți slabi, IT&C.

Privacy built in
It is incredibly capable while still being easy to carry with you everywhere — slip it into a backpack or rest it on a tray table.
Thin, light, and durable
It is incredibly capable while still being easy to carry with you everywhere — slip it into a backpack or rest it on a tray table.
Incredibly Fast
It is incredibly capable while still being easy to carry with you everywhere — slip it into a backpack or rest it on a tray table.
Powerful Services
It is incredibly capable while still being easy to carry with you everywhere — slip it into a backpack or rest it on a tray table.

Say hello to the most advanced infrastructured team.
It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout.
Say hello to the most advanced infrastructured team.
It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout.

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